This is a traditional rhyme all my kids have enjoyed: Five Currant Buns!
Materials: We prepared the props for the song with the kids, made coloured play dough (pink and green) and created five buns with cherries on top.
You can make your own money, by laminating silver or gold paper and cutting circles. We used laminated money downloaded from one of my favourite websites, Picklebums.
I changed the traditional lyrics, so we can learn the words “boy”, “girl”, “money”:
“Five currant buns in a baker’s shop.
Round and fat with a cherry on the top,
Along came a boy/girl with some money one day,
Bought a currant bun and took it away.”
These buns look great! It takes me back to playing with playdough when I was very small, making little sausages etc!
We enjoyed making them too, even though it got a bit messy. 🙂