I remember my first years as a teacher. I had recently graduated from university (this was 13 years ago), ready to teach English…but not so ready to teach such young kids. Who knew that they can be so complex. loved being with children, seeing their eyes light up when we did experiments, sang songs, or pretended to be funny animals. We had so much fun together! There was just one problem: I was reticent about setting and keeping boundaries. I had this idea that I needed to be their friend and make them happy all the time, so telling the kids what not to do was tough for me. And you know how children are…they sense when adults are not confident in setting limits and they need to push the boundaries to know where these actually are. It’s perfectly natural and it’s a good thing for them, because that means that they don’t just obey what they are told without understanding why and how. But that got me tired, frustrated, well…if you have a child, then you probably know.
Time passed, and one day, I discovered RIE parenting. And started to read, and read, and look for more and more resources. And from there, I discovered other books on educating children with respect, without using punishment and rewards. I discovered Magda Gerber, Janet Lansbury, Roslyn Ross, then Gabor Mate, and Alfie Kohn – these are a few who have influenced positively the way I relate to others. And slowly, but surely, I started to implement changes in the way I relate to children. And I saw results. It took time, and effort, but it worked. The kids still liked me, still found joy in our activities, and we had a wonderful relationship, based on trust and respect – without any punishments and rewards needed.
And I will be forever grateful to the wonderful books and resources that have radically changed the way I educate. And forever grateful for the fact that I got to learn all these before my daughter was born. I felt and feel ready to tackle any challenges that may come our way, because we have built a strong relationship, based on trust and respect.
I want to share with you what has worked with the children in my groups and my own child, so it takes you less to find solutions to difficult behaviours. I want you to feel confident in your relationship with your child. Know this: It’s never too late to work on fixing your relationship.
The course is only 15 EUR now. You get unlimited access to it: 3 hours of video, divided into smaller chunks, so it’s easier for you to choose what to watch if you don’t have time to follow it all in one go.
You get to ask me questions on the platform, anything that you’ve encountered problems with when it comes to your child’s challenging behaviour. I will personally reply to them. 🙂
If you want to learn more, click here or on the picture below.

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