I always strive to improve my teaching practice, especially my interaction with the children I teach. Creating a bond, connecting with them, will ensure that what I teach gets through to them. Giving feedback is one aspect that is truly important when it comes to teaching (or parenting). You probably heard that “good job!” has…
DIY Play Sand for Sensory Trays
It’s Sunday evening, I just came home from climbing and put E. to sleep. So what now? Hm… I finally have some time to prepare some play sand for tomorrow. I wanted to make something brown, to resemble dirt to go well with the forest animals. But I didn’t want to use food colouring. The…
Why I Love Using a Baby Carrier
I’m going to get straight to the reasons why I’m all for baby carrying: The first one is a general one: carrying your baby is a healthy thing everyone should do. Your oxytocin level goes up when you hold your baby close, and this promotes bonding. It also helps mothers recover postpartum. Our little one…
Getting Your Baby Involved in Daily Routines (6 months – 1 year)
Babies are capable of so much more than what we give them credit for! And they want to be involved in your daily routines…so why not let them? I’m brainstorming ways in which E.’s (currently 10 months) independence is cultivated. I’m thinking of small things that she can do, with a little bit of help….
How to Choose a Lovey
E. has been fighting sleep recently, so I thought it might be time to introduce a lovey. We went shopping today and this is what she chose. I usually prefer gender neutral and realistic looking toys…but what can I do? Lovies are great to have, because they help form positive sleep associations. At nighttime, a…
What We Have in Our Travel/Mystery Bag
It’s not easy to be stuck in a car or travel with a baby. They need to be active, move around, and explore…how do they have so much energy?! My little one loves waving at random people on the metro at 6 in the morning (which is bad, because then people also notice me looking…