Place some flashcards in line. Say the words and the kids repeat after you. Then they close their eyes and you take one of the flashcards. They have to guess which one. After a couple of times, the kids can play this game by themselves, especially if they know the words well.
Word Hopscotch
Use washy tape to make a hopscotch on the floor in the kids’ room. Place a flashcard on each square. Play the game as regular hopscotch, but whenever someone jumps on a square, they have to say the word. Tip: Use words from the same category/theme or words that rhyme, to make it easier for…
Word Twister
This game is similar to Twister, but instead of colourful circles I use flashcards with images. Materials: flashcards with English words/images/numbers/shapes etc. (depending on the vocabulary you wish to review); Age: kindergarten, primary school Instructions: This game is played with 1 child at a time. The others make a circle around the child, so they…
Ball in the Tunnel
Materials: a ball (easy), 2 or 3 (more difficult). Age: 3-8 y.o. Instructions: All players form a circle: they have their legs open and a hand behind their back. The aim of this game is to throw a ball (or also two or three balls to make the activity more difficult and interesting) in between…
Where Are You, Billy?
Materials: scarf Age: 3-6 y.o. Instructions: The children stand in a circle, holding hands. Two children will be chosen to stand in the middle. One of them will be “the blind person” (blindfolded), and the other will be Billy. The rule: the blind person will ask: “Where are you, Billy?”, and will try to catch…
Movement Game: Up, Up, Down
Materials: a ball (a soft one, not too large), a “magic” wand, stickers Age: 4-7 y.o. Instructions: The children all stand in a circle. They start throwing a ball from one to another. If a child drops the ball, he has to pun one knee on the ground, and continue playing like that. If he…