I can’t seem to find anything negative to say about floor beds/mattresses. We’ve always used a floor mattress until now, but since we moved, we thought about getting an actual bed for E., so that she enjoys her new room a bit more. You can read about why we chose to use a floor bed…
How to Teach Colours to Your Little One
First of all, you might be asking yourself when to introduce colours to your littles. Well, it depends on your kid, of course. If he clearly understands what you are saying most of the time, at least when you talk about basic things (toys, daily routines, surroundings), then it might be the right time –…
Frog Counting and Addition Mat
Hello, y’all! It’s been a while since I posted a resource for you. It’s not that I haven’t created any (I have, they’re too many to post), but the process of adding them to TPT is slow. Plus…I’ve been working on opening my own store, but atm I am still testing Payhip and Podia. Anyway,…
How can babies communicate before the first word / Cum comunică bebelușii înainte de primul cuvânt
We all know that babies can express themselves through gestures, babbling, crying, much before actually saying the first word. But when does cooing appear? How about reduplicative babbling? Here is a quick presentation to explain things. 🙂 — Cu toții știm că bebelușii se pot exprima prin gângureală, gesturi, plâns, cu mult înainte de a…
Teaching Your Child to Say Yes and No
These are important words for your little one, because they will be able to express opinions, likes, and dislikes with two simple words. Some kids learn the meaning of yes and no later than others (first, they usually understand no, then yes, because it is used more often by parents and also because kids tend…
A Myth about Language Learning
Myth: Children learn language by themselves, by observing adults having conversations. While it is true that young children develop language skills at a faster rate before 6 years old, it is not something that just happens. Maria Montessori noticed that the “sensitive period for language” is from birth to 6 o. A sensitive period (for…