This is a freebie that you can find in my store. If you click on the download button, you will need to subscribe to my blog in order to receive it. It contains 12 picture cards with recipes (names in Romanian and English) that can be printed out and used to give healthy meal options…
Embroidery for Kids
I must start this post with a confession: I don’t think I’ve ever embroidered in my life. But my kid has shown interest in sewing over the last few months, so when I saw these embroidery circles at the store I knew that I need to get them. In case you’re asking yourself “Is that…
Fur or Feathers
This is by no means an original idea, just something that E. enjoyed doing: classifying animals. I only gave her flashcards of mammals and birds for now, because it’s easier to spot the differences. I will later add fish, then reptiles. Depending on your child’s vocabulary, you can practice names of animals, the words “fur”…
Winter Oobleck + an 🐙 (because E wanted it to join the other animals)
We checked the pantry to see if we had corn starch, something that smells like winter, and green and red food colouring. And we did! We used:– 2 cups of corn starch – 1 cup of water (the more corn starch you add, the better it is!)– red and green food colouring– orange essence– some…
Initial Sound Recognition Freebie (in Romanian)
This is a printable that I made to go with our resin letters from @joc_senin (on Instagram). E. loves them and uses them for sensory play (with #kineticsand, #homemadeplaydough, water play), for pretend play (they are buttons, she makes musical instruments from them, etc.). So, I made these simple cards to match the initial letters…
Autumn Homemade Playdough with a Wintery Smell + Clay and Playdough Pretend Play
We made this orange and yellow playdough, and added gingerbread spices – it’s divine and I am really surprised that E. hasn’t tried to taste it …yet 😅 We used the usual playdough recipe 2 ½ cups of flour 1 cup of salt 2 tbsp of cream of tartar 2 tbsp of oil Food colouring…