Summer is the perfect season to explore nature, go out for picnics and long walks through the forest. Here’s something you can make on a rainy day, but then get to use outside: binoculars! We got a lot of silky self-adhesive paper from a parent, so we decided to use it for this, but you…
How to Support Children’s Creativity
By encouraging children’s curiosity, their creative problem solving, and self-expression, we actually teach them how to be creative. It is our duty as early years teachers or parents to instill a lifelong habit of creative thinking, but sometimes we forget how easy and important it is to do that. Here are some tips that might…
My Morning Circle Activities for EFL Learners
I remember that my during my first year of teaching I kept asking teachers what their best piece of advice was. All of them had a very similar answer – establishing a daily routine that works for your kids. And that is absolutely right! Over the years, I’ve changed my morning routine to fit the…
Emotions – Two Free Musical Games for ESL/EFL Learners and Kindergartners
I don’t know about you, but I love singing. The most awesome thing about teaching is that you can sing all day long, without being judged. I sing instructions (Let’s get ready, ready, ready, let’s get ready to go outside!), things that I’m doing while I’m doing them (I’m changing your diaper, yes I am,…
The Importance of Dramatic Play in Kindergarten
Dramatic play or imaginative play has a very important role in any child’s development, from a very early age. Nowadays, children get to socialize with others less and less, partly because of the very strict daily schedule at kindergarten, and partly because of technology. When I was a kid I remember spending a lot of…
Pompom Mats for Color Recognition – GIVEAWAY :)
There are lots of kids who don’t like drawing, coloring, or doing crafts. But a fun way to improve their fine motor skills is with scoopers and tweezers. I’ve created a resource that’s perfect for that! It contains 4 pompom mats with cute animals. What the kids need to do is to pick up the…