Five for Friday is a weekly teacher linky party where bloggers post five random things about the past week. This linky party is hosted by Doodle Bugs Teaching, so if you’re curious to see lots of fun teaching ideas, hop on over to this website. Here are my 5 special things from this week… I…
Season Jars
We reviewed basic things about the four seasons with this fun project. Over a couple of days, the kids made a jar for every season. As you can see in the photos, they decorated the lids with colored glitter: silver for winter, yellow for summer, green for spring, gold and orange for autumn. They put…
Goldilocks and the Three Bears with Printed Props
My kids love drama and acting stories out. I love providing them with the props they need to help them develop these skills! The greatest thing about drama is that your kids will only need some help in the beginning, but after a while they will be able to act easy stories out with no…
Penguin Number Mats {1-20, C and B&W}
These number mats are great for kindergartners who still need to work on counting, writing numbers from 1 to 20, subitizing, and understand the relationship between numbers and quantities. You can use them in various ways: – laminate them and use a dry-erase marker to write the numbers; – laminate them and use them as…
Let’s Get Moving – Song for ESOL and Kindergartners
Let’s Get Moving (Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb)Let’s all jump, jump, jump,jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump,Let’s all jump, jump, jump,Fast, fast, fast! (or Slowly, slowly, slowly!)Author: Ilinca Sadoveanu You can ask the children to contribute with different actions: dance, hop, skip, leap, dig, leap, tip toe, swim, blink, shake, etc. Kids can get…
Let’s Be Friends – An Easy Song for Learning Names
Here’s a song that might come in handy in January with your newcomers. Click on the image below to download the pdf file. Let’s Be Friends (Tune: Frere Jacques) What’s your name? What’s your name? My name’s _________. My name’s _________. Let’s all be friends, let’s all be friends and play together, and play…