Este uneori greu să atragi atenția copilului tău când citești? Sau, chiar dacă la început pare interesat, se plictisește după o pagină sau două? Asta pentru că trebuie să joace un rol activ în lectură: copiii mici trebuie să se miște, să interacționeze cu imaginile, să folosească gesturi, ei nu pot sta nemișcați până când…
How to Help Your Child Overcome Tantrums – a New Course in English
I remember my first years as a teacher. I had recently graduated from university (this was 13 years ago), ready to teach English…but not so ready to teach such young kids. Who knew that they can be so complex. loved being with children, seeing their eyes light up when we did experiments, sang songs, or…
Jocuri de limbaj pentru copiii de 1-3 ani – Language Games for 1-3 year-olds
Iată câteva jocuri simple și scurte pe care le puteți face acasă cu cei mici, pentru a petrece timp împreună într-un mod plăcut și pentru a-i motiva să vorbească. (in English below) Here are a few short and simple games that you can do with your little one at home, to spend time together and…
Phoneme Segmentation CVC Words Freebie / Resursă gratuită pentru copiii care învață să citească
A resource for kids who are interested in sounds, reading, and spelling their first words. It has common CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words, because these are easy to read. They are all phonetic, so the cards can be used with young learners. The resource is in English and Romanian, and it has lowercase and uppercase letters. You…
How to Teach Your Child the Word STOP / Cum să îl înveți pe copilul tău să spună STOP
This will be a weekly series, as promised. You will propose words, and I will give you practical tips on how to teach your baby those words. I hope these will help parents with little ones. I haven’t had the time to post a video of these games, but I will try to make one…
What to Do When Your Child Hates Haircuts / Ce să faci când copilul refuză să se tundă
Today, E. had her first haircut. I can say that she is usually easy when it comes to transitions. We prepare her beforehand, she understands when we need to do certain things and why, and then everything is fine. But I know that this is not the case for all parents. Some children are just…